What about the thief on
the cross?

discussing salvation, many times the thief on the
cross comes up. Even folks with little
knowledge about the Bible know about the thief on
the cross. This can lead into the belief
that we do not have to obey the teaching of water
baptism given to us in the great
commission. Matt 28:19, Luke 24:47, Mark
16:16. And
that New Testament Salvation is apart from Water
Baptism. But what does the Bible teach?

understand this answer, we must understand that
Jesus Christ came to be the Lamb of God.
Serving as the High Priest for all of mankind,
Jesus Christ shed the necessary blood for the
remission of sins. Hebrews 9:22. Because Jesus Christ
was the High Priest, and because He would be the
"one mediator between heaven and
earth." While Jesus Christ was on earth, He
had the authority to forgive sins on earth
Mark 2:10,
Luke 5:24.
This extends simply until the day of
Pentecost when men would have to be born again,
for Jesus came back as the Holy Ghost and gave
them the overcoming power to live above sin. 1 John 3:9
Romans 6:1-6.
The only way for us to receive that blood after
Pentecost is to be born of the water and Spirit. John 3:5, 1
John 5:8, Acts 2:38.

fact is that the thief died under the law.
The Holy Ghost had not yet fallen for Jesus had
not ascended. John 7:39 Water baptism is not a part
of the law, it was introduced by John the Baptist
for the remission of sins. Mark 1:4,
Luke 3:3
Therefore to say that water baptism was a part of
the law is erroneous. So if that was not
part of the law, then what would it take for a
sinner, like the thief, to be forgiven in the
law? Any student of the Old Testament knows
the answer to this, he needed a blood sacrifice.
He needed to take it to the High Priest and the
High Priest would act as that
"intercessor" which would bring the
blood into the Holy Place, and the glory of God
would fall and atonement would be made.

point is that the thief along with the Old
Testament saints were saved by obedience to the
law When Christ was crucified His blood covered
the obedient people of the Old Covenant. When the
thief was ready to repent, he would need to take
a sacrifice to the high priest. But since he was
tied to a wood cross (tree), he could not get to
a sacrifice. Therefore the mercy of God was
with him, and Jesus Christ right there at Calvary
became his High Priest, and his
Sacrifice. Remember it was after the
resurrection that Christ gave the great
commission, and the Spirit was not yet fallen
until the day of Pentecost. John 7:39. Therefore the only plan of salvation
after Pentecost is as it was when it was unlocked
by the man with the keys to the kingdom, Simon
"Then Peter said unto them, Repent, and be
baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus
Christ for the remission of sins, and ye shall
receive the gift of the Holy Ghost. "
